Once joined to the program, copy your affiliate link and start sharing.
Send the link to anyone you know or even share it in your website or social media.
Earn a recurring 30% commission for every time someone signs-up to one of our plans.
Have in mind payments can be processed monthly, every 6 monts or yearly depending on the customer subscription.
Share your affiliate link all over the internet. Maybe comment about it in related blogs and forums.
Share your affiliate link in your website if you have one.
Share your affiliate link in your website if your social media account (eg. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Indie Hackers, etc).
Contact people you know and let them know about your affiliate link.
You could write a blog post about us, send an email to your database, shout about us on social media or make a video about how you use Termify. Those are just a few ideas.
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