Frequently asked questions
Got questions? You are in the right place. Here we try to answer and explain most of the common questions our customers have.

Frequently asked questions
Here’s what you need to know about your Termify license, based on the questions we are asked the most.
You can easily cancel your subscription here:
Start using our premium features by getting a 7-day trial for Free. The Free trial gets you access to all of our premium features for 7 days and after that it renews at $24.95/month. If during these 7 days you decide to cancel your monthly subscription, you will not be billed for a monthly plan.
One-time payments
We also offer one-time payments of $49 per document. In this case, you can download your document without a subscription. One time payments do not auto-renew, so there is no need to cancel it as it is not a subscription.
Your policies will always be updated without extra charges.
Absolutely, the free plan includes a free preview of your Policy! you will be able to check your privacy policy on a preview that's located on the top right corner of the generate page.
As soon as you pay for the product, our team will immeadiately create your customized Policies. The process takes less than a minute!
You will be billed in $USD regardless of where your business is located.
You will need to tell us a couple of things like if you have an app or a website or both, the name of your business, the information that you collect from users, and some other information that will allow us to create a compliant and reliable Privacy Policy for your app or website.
Yes, you can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your plan at anytime from the app. If you need help changing your account, reach out to us using our email ([email protected]).
You can either pay with credit card or any debit card you want! All our payments are secured by Stripe.